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IT Training
Prayas Technology training program is designed in such a way that it caters to the demands of both individual and business needs. We Provide the training on PHP, MYSQL, JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, HTML5, CSS3, Wordpress, e-commerce and Open Sources. Our experiece IT professional will train you. Prayas Technology also provides the live project for their trainees. Prayas Technology provides the training for both students and freshers.
We started the training division to become a bridge between the skills required by the best IT companies require and the talent created by Engineering, BCA, MCA colleges as an IT Finishing school.
You will get the certificate of an Indian Govt. Certified Company.
Android Training
The Android training program at Prayas Technology includes details on how to build the Android Apps from scratch; the Android App Classes include details about how to design Android Apps, develop and program mobile apps and then distribute the built android apps. The training in Android teaches the student on how to program an Android app and then market the app in the android app marketplace.
Prayas Technology offers Android courses for college students and graduated class of BE, BCA, MCA, MSCit students. The training program enables current students of all colleges to not only pass exams but also learn how Android Apps are developed and programmed.
Our Android Training program usually is conducted over a 2 month period and covers topics on how to design, develop and build applications for Android. The Android Training program takes a student from the basics of programming to creating small and large Android based apps. The Android Course not only teaches the student how to program, develop and visualize Android apps but also details on how to sell them on the Android marketplace.
Web Desiging Training
Web design is a process of creating content that is shown to a website viewer using the internet via a web browser. In simple terms Web design means the work involved in creating a web page or site. A website may include text, images, sounds and other content, and may be interactive.
The earliest form of Web Design used to be done in HTML today XHTML is also used for web design. Web design (HTML) basically tells the web browser how a page should be displayed to the viewer.
Prayas Technology offers training in all Web Technologies. Our expertise is in training students in XHTML, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript and Responisve Design.
PHP & MySQL Training
PHP is one of the most popular open source server-side scripting language used for producing web pages. It became very popular because it was one of the first server-side scripting languages which was embedded in HTML. PHP is being used in 20 million websites and over 1 million web servers. Popular softwares like Joomla, Wordpress, and Drupal all use PHP. In our professional training courses, we provide PHP with MySql.
Why to learn PHP/MySQL?
- PHP and MySQL are the most popular open source development technologies for web development during the past decade.
- The MySQL and PHP programming language provide a powerful, free and open-source package for database driven website developer.
- PHP enables web developers to build interactive, e commerce, dynamic web sites using server-side scripting techniques which is similar to or better than those offered by Microsoft's ASP or Sun Microsystems' JSP pages.
- These Combinations of two technologies PHP and Mysql provide you a powerful platform for building database driven Web applications and to develop a rich modern array of features.
- MySQL is the most popular open source database.
Wordpress Training
WordPress is one of the most powerful and most used CMS over the internet for the blogging & Complete Website Development Purpose. WordPress is Free Open Source, Platform Independent CMS. WordPress is built in PHP and MYSQL. No prerequisite knowledge is required to learn WordPress. But the knowledge of PHP, CSS, MYSQL help a lot in improving the CMS as you desire.
Our wordpress developers are expert in developing wordpress themes and plugins. you will be trained under the guidance of our experts.