Our Services
Web Hosting

Prayas Technology specializes in web hosting solutions. Prayas Technology knows exactly how to help you succeed. Prayas Technology specializes in providing hosting services to all sizes, types and fields of business as well as individuals with high quality affordable web hosting plans.
Web Designing

We specialize in web design and development, but we also place a lot of focus on marketing web sites and businesses. That's because we know that having a great web site isn't enough. You have to be able to market that web site so that Internet users can find you. That's why we don't just..
Web Development

Development India is an integrated web development company. We have the expertise, experience and ability to solve complex business problems by understanding your business goals and strategic & marketing objectives by utilizing our technical knowledge, domain expertise, methodological processes, etc.
Internet Marketing

Are you making the most of your website as a marketing tool? Whether you're looking to push into new markets, take advantage of emerging internet technologies or simply convert more of your visitors into customers, Optillion can deliver the service that you've been looking for.
Facebook Fan Page Design

Custom Facebook Pages are so popular simply because they are unique. Every brand and business today tends to create a Facebook Fan Page and engage with hundreds of millions of people on Facebook, but only a tiny persentage of them have custom facebook landing pages.
Web Maintenance

Building a Web site is just the beginning. The website maintenance and updating of your site is a vital part in its continuing success. You want your site visitors to keep coming back, you want to make sure your product information is accurate and you need to know if your website promotion..